Claim Center

Notice: This is not a dispute platform, Paymelist is a self-generated data website. This means that all publications have been generated solely by users, who have previously agreed to the terms and conditions of use and therefore making themselves directly liable for their publications.

This is a platform for individuals and/or organizations that believe the reasons for which they have been reported are in relation to or in retaliation of a personal matter existing between them and another party. For anyone with the intention of filing a dispute, direct contact must be made with the original debt claimant.

This platform is also provided for the benefit of those who have not been removed from Paymelist after finalizing their payment to their debt claimant in full. If after ten business days the debt claimant has not removed them from Paymelist, the individual/ organization may then email Paymelist copies of both sides of the cleared check made out to the debt claimant. Email must be sent to the following email address:

In the case that an individual/ organization persists and follows with a dispute, any dispute will be discharged and any requests made thereafter will not be proccessed by Paymelist.

Any individual/organization to contact us in any way with content such as virus or spam will be charged and prosecuted according to the law.

I have read the terms and conditions for this platform. I both understand and agree with all of the terms and conditions listed by Paymelist.
